Harvest date
September 20th, 2021

Red Malvasia de Sitges

The grapes are harvested by hand in boxes.

Very soft, low-yield pressing to minimize color extraction and preserve acidity.

Fermentation with indigenous yeast and a controlled temperature of 16ºC in a 700 liter bocoy

In French bocoy for 4 months.

Natural clarification
In barrels by gravity

700 bottles.

Tasting note
It's a white wine produced with Malvasía Rosada grapes from vines planted in 2011. It doesn't feel it, but it has 14.5% alcohol, with a full body and 8.8 grams of acidity. It has citrus notes and a chalky texture, finishing dry and with some austerity and tastiness from the limestone-rich soils from Garraf. This fermented in a 228-liter barrel, where it matured for four months. What I like here is that every wine is different and has a marked personality.

PH -> 2.9 | Acidity -> 8.8g/l Tart | Alcohol -> 14,5% vol | Residual Sugar -> 3g/l

Tardatio Blanc de Noir

Robert Parker 2018 vintage - 92 points

Jordi Raventós - Clos dels Guarans

El Calvari

A recovered variety, a dream come true. Malvasia de Sitges vermella